This is Willie. I have written about Willie before, when he wore my dishwasher as a necklace.
That Willie is one crazy lab. He was one of the first guests here at Doggie Heaven—and let me tell you—one of the sweetest, fun loving and most loveable. His owner is also one of the sweetest, most fun loving and loveable people I know.

Willie loves water, not surprising for a lab. When I walk him off leash he will make sure to locate and submerge himself in any nearby body of water before the walk is over.

Willie loves to eat; His dining style is akin to a shop vac. When he sees me filling his bowl, he jumps up in the air. From a standing position he can get about three feet off the ground.
Willie loves to chase balls, again nothing out of the ordinary for a dog of his breed—or any other breed.
Besides water, food, and tennis balls, his strangest addiction is chasing planes.
Yes, he loves to chase planes.
The kind that fly…
In the air…
At 32,000 feet.
It goes like this: He will hear a plane, look in the air, see the con trail and run in the same direction the plane is flying, barking relentlessly, as if the pilot can hear him. Then when he believes that he has scared off the plane and saved my life he stops and goes about looking for water or food or a ball or another plane.

Thank goodness Willie is here to protect us.